The scientist concludes that your “mind” isn’t confined just to your brain. Let’s define the brain and “mind.” The brain contains billions of nerve fibers (axons and dendrites) — the “white matter.” These neurons are connected by trillions of connections or synapses. In other words, Your brain is the boss of your body and runs the whole show.
The “mind” is the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought. The essence of your being. The brain is the physical substance, and the mind is the conscious product of those connections or synapses. The mind seats in your brain but is not exclusive of your body; it is part of collective consciousness. Then, the brain is like the router, and the mind /consciousness is the wi-fi ( the wireless network technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless internet and network connections). The “collective consciousness.” is then like the internet.
What is collective consciousness? Some define it as the fabric of the universe. In the interview that John Smith did to Nikola Tesla, he mentioned the “Aether” The Fifth Essence is referred to in Latin as the quinta essentia, translated into English as the “quintessence.” It is a reference to that which is the most essential, namely Aether. We can imagine Aether as being an imperceptible liquid with which the entire universe is filled. This invisible “Cosmic Water” could be the “collective consciousness,” ” the Akasha records” or “universal public library.” the Internet of Information.
How we connect to the “collective consciousness,” ” the “Akasha Records” or “universal public library” that Nikola Tesla was so connected? to connect to the internet, we use hardware ( computer or smartphone) but the wifi needs to be connected otherwise we don’t have a connection. “The human wi-fi is the mind”, the human consciousness, the awareness. The connection happens when we are aware, when we pay attention to the information that we are receiving, when we connect to the “collective consciousness”, ” the Akasha records” or “universal public library.”
Now let’s look at the quality of the connection so we can figure, how Nikola Tesla was connected. For that, we need to observe the quality of ‘awareness”, the quality of consciousness”. Elizabeth McHugh, an observer of Awares, observes and imporves what Shuvendu Patnaik who, studied at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, observes:
“Consciousness and awareness are somewhat synonymous. They are not very different from each other. You can understand them this way. Consciousness results in the awareness and not vice versa. Moreover, consciousness is associated with innate intelligence, and it is, this intelligence, which brings about awareness and a distinction or understanding of what you are aware of.
Awareness depends on your sensory apparatus. For us, it is our five senses, and of course our inner bodies (astral body and mental body), which consciousness is a property of life or the life-essence in us. Awareness is a result or response of the interface or exchange of information between our sensing apparatus (our five sense) and the intelligence contained in our consciousness.
When you observe something, it is a sheer observation or “witnessing.” But, what is the “you’ that has observed? The “you” is consciousness; it is “your consciousness”. So it is your consciousness that ultimately observes. Then it is the intelligence associated with the consciousness which brings about an “awareness” that you have observed so and so thing. So, you become “aware”.
A piece of rock or stone (or say a tree or even an animal) is also witnesses (or is observing) the same thing, but it remains unaware or partly aware of what it has observed. But a human being in the same circumstances, will have a different level of awareness, because of his greater consciousness. Let me make this simple with an example.
Suppose a rock witnesses a volcano erupting. It will not become aware of the eruption, though it may be witnessing it. Suppose a tree witnesses the same volcanic eruption, and it will have a sense of unease from its limited awareness. Its awareness is only limited to the astral world or emotions, and it will feel a little disturbed or uneasy but cannot translate this unease emotion to anything.
A dog watching it will probably run for shelter, not understanding what is happening. A man will know it is volcanic eruption and will know how to act or respond. They are all different levels of awareness, and this “sense of awareness” is brought about from its innate intelligence, which in turn is a result of its consciousness.”
If Consciousness results in awareness, and “consciousness is associated with innate intelligence, and it is this intelligence which brings about awareness and a distinction or understanding of what you are aware of.” This means there are “different kinds of consciousness” or “different kind of quality wifi connections depending on the hardware – the brain”. These different kinds of hardware or brain bring a different type of quality and level of awareness”, which makes me question then our hardware- our brain.
It makes me question “our skill to pay attention” not only to the outer world but to the inner world. Our skill to pay attention to the “collective consciousness,” ” the Akasha records,” or “universal public library.” The quality of the connection of our consciousness to the “invisible cosmic water,” our connection to the “Aether.”
This “skill to pay attention,” has to do with the characteristic, the kind, of “hardware,” the nature of the “brain”. In Nikola Tesla’s case and his ability to see what others couldn’t see, is the characteristics of the inventors, the features, the nature of “the nineteen.” This type of “hardware”, this type of “router” was the same as Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King, Walt Disney, Henry Ford to mention few with the same “router capabilities” of the inventors, the word changer’s, the “router with the same technology of the number 19”. Do you know what model is your router?